Monday, January 7, 2008


Now that I can bring my computer to the cafe its much easier to upload pictures, and I like it more so Ill be on gmail more often (if you want to chat, If im on its usually around 10am-2pm Eastern time.) Here ya go:

My kitchen counter in my kitchen/living room.
My bookshelf/hallway to the bedroom.
Me and my view from my front lawn. Its better when its not cloudy (or more cloudy).
Me in front of my house. Nicer then you expected?
My Cameroonian host family. Really nice people I need to talk to them more.
We had an awesome thanksgiving dinner.
Sometimes in peace corps you have youre head over the toilet wondering why you ever decided to do this. Sometimes youre on a nearly deserted black sand beach in November with cold beer delivered to you for a dollar.
I made them RedSox fans. (the tatoos they have are redsox)
My favorite bridge in my town. Come visit well go over it its fun.
The first game of Suggestions. I might try and bring it back to the US.

Hope this satisfied some of the craving, let me know if you have any other specific picture requests.

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